NPS saves public organisations time and money

Cooke & Arkwright selected to framework for North and South/Mid Wales

7 February 2017

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In autumn 2015, Cooke & Arkwright was successful in gaining a place on the National Procurement Service (NPS) Construction Consultancy (Infrastructure & Estates) Framework for the provision of Estates Professional Services. The agreement provides access to a range of consultancy services for Public Sector bodies in Wales. Seven firms were appointed for the Estates Professional Services lot covering North Wales and seven firms for South and Mid Wales.

Andrew Gardner, Managing Director of Cooke & Arkwright said, “After a comprehensive tendering process Cooke & Arkwright were delighted to be selected onto the framework with top scores for both North and South/Mid Wales. The framework not only saves surveying firms time, by not requiring them to repeatedly answer the same tender questions, but it has also meant that Public Organisations can save time and money on the tender process, whilst being confident in the quality of the firms that are bidding.”

The NPS was established in 2013 to encourage the Welsh public sector to collaborate more closely in the procurement of goods and services. The objective is that NPS will enable the Welsh Public Sector and Publically Funded Organisations to increase their purchasing power through collaboration. This will result in significant savings to the public purse in Wales in areas of common and repetitive spend. The NPS has 73 Public Sector member organisations who have signed up to use Framework Agreements put in place by the NPS.

The intention is to encourage engagement with Welsh SMEs whilst also reducing the time expended by both suppliers and Public Bodies completing procurement exercises.

The framework also enables Welsh Public Sector organisations to monitor their spend with Welsh based SME’s like ourselves, an objective of the NPS and Welsh Government. In the year since the framework was set up, Cooke & Arkwright have been instructed by seven organisations to provide professional valuations, agency and building surveying advice throughout Wales.

Cooke & Arkwright is committed to spreading the word on the benefits to the Welsh Public Sector of the NPS Frameworks and encouraging take up by those organisations who have signed up to using their frameworks.

Mansford has expanded its investment portfolio over the last few years. Over this time Andrew West has provided us with a full rating valuation service which has involved giving a view on liabilities prior to acquisitions, as well as conducting negotiations with Valuation Officers on our UK estate. The portfolio includes a wide range of properties from shops, offices and pubs to major leisure schemes. He has been particularly successful in mitigating our liabilities to empty property rate, which has been an issue on acquisition prior to implementing our development and letting strategy. I have no hesitation in recommending Andrew's expertise in rating valuation for all property types. The profile of property within his portfolio and the successes achieved are testament to his position as an extremely accomplished rating practitioner.

Leopold Hall, Partner, Mansford LLP