About Us

Providing the best market intelligence and property expertise available in Wales

  • Board of Directors Cooke & Arkwright
  • Agency team Cooke & Arkwright
  • Agency team Cooke & Arkwright

Cooke & Arkwright is the largest firm of independent commercial property advisors in Wales. With a heritage going back over 100 years, we have been a major force in shaping the Welsh commercial and rural property world.

Cooke & Arkwright is the largest firm of commercial property advisors in Wales, but we are still small enough to be innovative and fleet of foot. Our scale and the scope of the business gives us unparalleled market intelligence and number of contacts and applicants. The Directors who own the firm all live in Wales and continue to provide clients with a personal service, and the whole team works to the highest standards of professionalism, honesty and integrity. We achieve this by employing and investing in talented individuals who are not only the best in their fields in Wales, but also genuinely proud of and passionate about their work, the problems they solve for their clients and what they contribute to society.

Based in South Wales with our head office in Cardiff and a hub office in London, we provide clients with advice on commercial, rural, retail and development properties in Cardiff, all parts of Wales and beyond. We are passionate about property in Wales and our focus is on using our expert and unrivalled access to market intelligence in Wales, giving our clients commercial advice to help them maximise the potential of their assets, whether they own, rent or develop. We are the local property experts in Wales.

Sectors and Services

Our clients receive a dedicated Director-led service covering property issues in the following sectors:

Property services are provided in each of these sectors by our teams of very experienced Directors and staff. These services include:

Cooke & Arkwright’s wide ranging client base includes many well-known public and private organisations with regional, national and international backgrounds. This bears testimony to the respect that the name Cooke & Arkwright has earned during many years operating in the Welsh and UK property market.

We will continue to nurture close professional relationships with our clients to ensure that they benefit from what we confidently believe to be the best market intelligence and property expertise available in Wales.

Policies and Accreditations

The following are the policies and accreditations of Cooke & Arkwright:



Cooke & Arkwright has advised Telereal Trillium on a wide variety of development sites and properties all over Wales . They consistently deliver the levels of local knowledge, expertise, initiative and successful outcomes that you need when running a large UK wide portfolio.

Mark Kelly, Director, Development & Disposals, Telereal Trillium