Potentially good news for businesses on claims for business interruption

17 September 2020

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There has been some potentially good news for businesses whose claims for business interruption due to Covid have been rejected by their insurers. 

The High Court has handed down judgement in the COVID-19 Business Interruption insurance test case brought by the FCA on behalf of policyholders. 

The case considered 21 sample wordings from eight insurers and although different conclusions were reached by the Court relating to each wording, the Court did find in favour of the FCA on many of the key issues.

All parties will need to digest the judgment and the case may well go to appeal, which will take some time. In the meantime insurers have been instructed to contact brokers and policyholders with affected claims within the next seven days. 

Although there may not be a quick resolution to this, the judgement will bring welcome news to many policyholders depending on its relevance to the wording of their policies.    

Cardiff Waterside is a significant property holding for Aviva Investors at almost 500,000 sq ft. Our experiences show the benefit of working with a regional specialist where occupational markets can be unlocked with a good team with excellent local contacts. Ben Bolton and his team have done this for us for many years and been fundamental to our success and a very low void rate in Cardiff.

Matthew Leach, Arriva Capital Waterside