Obituary: Other Robert Ivor Windsor-Clive, 3rd Earl of Plymouth

O.R.I. PLYMOUTH (1923-2018)

29 March 2018

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It was with sadness that we learned that Other Robert Ivor Windsor-Clive, the third Earl of Plymouth, died peacefully at his home near Ludlow, Shropshire on 7th March 2018. He and his family, through their estate businesses, Plymouth Settled Estates and Earl of Plymouth Estates Ltd, have been important and loyal clients of Cooke & Arkwright for over fifty years.

Born on 9 October 1923, he married Caroline Helen Rice on 11 October 1950 and they have four children: Ivor Windsor-Clive – the fourth Viscount Windsor; Lady Emma Windsor-Clive; Hon. Simon Windsor-Clive and Hon. David Windsor-Clive. He has been succeeded by his oldest son Ivor, now the fourth Earl of Plymouth.

Other Windsor-Clive was educated at Eton College, Windsor. He fought in the Second World War between 1941 and 1945, including the D Day Landings, and gained the rank of Temporary Captain in the Coldstream Guards. He graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and succeeded as 16th Lord Windsor, 3rd Viscount Windsor of St Fagans, Glamorgan, and 3rd Earl of Plymouth on 1 October 1943. Lord Plymouth was appointed Fellow, Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) in 1953,  Knight, Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Trustee of the National Gallery (between 1960 and 1967), and held the office of Deputy Lieutenant of Shropshire in 1961. He was President, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru – National Museum Wales from 1967 to 1972 and  a member of the Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries between 1972 and 1982. He was Chairman of the Reviewing Committee for Works of Art between 1982 and 1985.

Recalling Lord Plymouth, Michael Lawley, Chairman of Cooke & Arkwright said, “Lord Plymouth was a much respected figure in South Wales and beyond. His manner was always courteous and polite, and he worked to high standards of business behaviour, which are sadly not so prevalent these days. He was a shrewd and astute custodian of the Plymouth Estate, and always seemed to be very aware of his role and responsibilities in managing the Estate for future generations. He will be sadly missed by us all at Cooke & Arkwright.”

Mansford has expanded its investment portfolio over the last few years. Over this time Andrew West has provided us with a full rating valuation service which has involved giving a view on liabilities prior to acquisitions, as well as conducting negotiations with Valuation Officers on our UK estate. The portfolio includes a wide range of properties from shops, offices and pubs to major leisure schemes. He has been particularly successful in mitigating our liabilities to empty property rate, which has been an issue on acquisition prior to implementing our development and letting strategy. I have no hesitation in recommending Andrew's expertise in rating valuation for all property types. The profile of property within his portfolio and the successes achieved are testament to his position as an extremely accomplished rating practitioner.

Leopold Hall, Partner, Mansford LLP