Fifty farms

11 November 2020
  • Farms Pembrokeshire Cooke & Arkwright Building Surveying

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Our Building Consultancy team must be prepared to go wherever an instruction takes them and for whatever building they will be surveying. Their work takes them all around Wales and other parts of the UK where they have surveyed a diverse range of properties including museums, coal pits, art galleries, castles, World War II hangars, heliports, hospitals and remote lighthouses.

Most recently their work has taken two of the team, Associates Rhys Davies and George Watts, to rural west Wales on an instruction involving over fifty farms across the county of Pembrokeshire.

George explains, “We inspected the barns and outbuildings at each farm site to produce Condition Surveys with a list of repairs that would be required during the next five years. We included cost estimates so that our client can prioritise repairs and budget appropriately.”

One of the most common problems with farm outbuildings is that they are mostly of steel frame construction. These are especially exposed to the weather on the Pembrokeshire coast where the salt air blows from all directions.

Rhys says, “Steel girders can corrode quite quickly under these conditions and we saw a number of buildings that were beyond economic repair, and therefore recommended they be demolished and rebuilt.”

George adds, “It’s a lovely part of the world and we enjoyed good weather and lovely scenery most of the time. It was quite a contrast to my next assignment which was down in the cellar of a former public house in Cardiff where the chutes were leaking!”

Please call us if you think our building surveying team can help you to effectively manage your property and your risk.

Cooke & Arkwright are extremely professional and have carried out a number of successful appeals on behalf of SWP.

Trisha Harris, South Wales Police