Business Rates to be devolved in England

Significant barriers to reducing rate bills at this time

27 November 2015

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In his Comprehensive Spending Review on Wednesday 25 November 2015, Chancellor George Osborne announced that local authorities in England will be allowed to keep the rates they collect from business and they will have the power to cut business rates to boost growth. By the end of the Parliament, local government will retain 100% of business rate revenues to fund local services. Business Rates have already been devolved to Wales.

Andrew West, Director of Rating said, “Councils already have discretionary power to reduce rate bills, but in my experience, they all too rarely do so. I can see significant financial barriers to councils reducing rate bills at a time of substantial cuts to public sector budgets.”

I have worked with Jeremy Symons over the past three years successfully leasing and buying property in support of my business. I continue to be very pleased with his knowledge of the market and expertise. Our relationship over this time has resulted in acquiring 20,000 sq ft at Capital Business Park in Cardiff, leasing 11,000 sq ft at Southpoint, and subsequently leasing an initial 42,000 sq ft at Parc Bedwas, followed by a succession of expansions of a further 11,000 and then 47,000 sq ft, enabling us to centralise all of our operations at Parc Bedwas in a single 100,000 sq ft facility. The acquisitions were completed at the perfect time for tenant purposes and the rent fixed throughout the term at very economical rates. A job well done.

Bob James, Aerfin