Unit 3 Aquila House, Pierhead Street, Cardiff
Cardiff, CF10 4PH

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Max Wood

The Agent

Max Wood
Trainee Surveyor

02920 346336
Sebastian Branfield

The Agent

Sebastian Branfield
Trainee Surveyor

02920 346315

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  • 1212 sqft (113 sqm)
  • Under Offer
  • £15,000 per annum


The unit is located with frontage to Pierhead Street, Cardiff Bay approximately 1/2 mile to the North West of Mermaid Quay. The area forms part of an established commercial, residential and leisure destination. A number of offices are within the locality with major occupiers being National Assembly for Wales and Offcom. The unit is adjacent to Co-op Convenience Store.


The unit, which is situated below a residential development comprises a ground floor unit with kitchen, storage and W/C facilities and has the benefit of a double glazed frontage. The premises is situated within a parade of three units.

The specification includes;

  • Prominent Frontage onto Pierhead Street
  • Close proximity to Cardiff Bay and Mermaid Quay
  • Mixed use nearby including office, retail and residential
  • Alternative uses considered, subject to planning


The unit is available on the basis of a new lease for a term to be agreed on internal repairing and insuring terms via a service charge.

Business Rates

£8,149 per annum

Cooke & Arkwright for themselves and for the vendor/lessor of this property whose agents they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of Cooke & Arkwright for the vendor/lessor and nothing contained in these particulars is to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. 3. Any intended purchaser/lessor must satisfy itself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 4. The vendor/lessor does not make or give and neither Cooke & Arkwright nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation/warranty whatsoever in relation to this property or any services. 5. All terms quoted exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. 6. Cooke & Arkwright is a trading name of Cooke & Arkwright Limited.

The Leekes Retail and Leisure Group have substantial property assets within the group and have engaged Andrew West to appeal against rating assessments on these properties since 2010. We have consistently been impressed by Andrew's knowledge of the property market and his negotiating skills have been exceptional. Given Andrew's outstanding performance, we would not hesitate to recommend Andrew to any business large or small seeking to appeal their rates liabilities.

Mike Fowler, Group Finance Director, Leekes Group