Helmont House, Churchill Way, Cardiff
Cardiff, CF10 2HE

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Mark Siddons

The Agent

Mark Siddons
Associate Director

02920 346361
Ben Bolton

The Agent

Ben Bolton

02920 346376

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Floor Plan


  • 1055 - 25241 sqft (98 - 2,345 sqm)
  • To let
  • £21 per sq ft


Helmont House provides office accommodation, originally built in the 1980's the building was comprehensively refurbished in 2009. Car parking (accessed via North Edward Street), storage and staff amenities are at basement level; ground floor retail with the office accommodation accessed off a piazza level with refurbished reception and conference room. A lift lobby provides access to the office levels on third to tenth floors.


Strictly by appointment with sole agents Cooke & Arkwright.

Business Rates

£7 per sqft

Cooke & Arkwright for themselves and for the vendor/lessor of this property whose agents they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of Cooke & Arkwright for the vendor/lessor and nothing contained in these particulars is to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. 3. Any intended purchaser/lessor must satisfy itself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 4. The vendor/lessor does not make or give and neither Cooke & Arkwright nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation/warranty whatsoever in relation to this property or any services. 5. All terms quoted exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. 6. Cooke & Arkwright is a trading name of Cooke & Arkwright Limited.

Cooke & Arkwright have provided independent property consultancy services to the College for a number of years. This advice has included property valuations and negotiation around property acquisition and disposal, rent reviews and the preparation and negotiation of the College’s farm business tenancy agreement. The College has consistently received an excellent and professional service from Cooke & Arkwright and their valuable support to the College is recognised and appreciated.

Bob Bates, Director, Coleg Gwent