Former Royal Mail Sorting Office, 1 Warren Street, Tenby
Sir Benfro, Tenby, SA70 7JP
- 0.31 acres
- For sale
- On Application
The site is situated in a prime position close to the heart of Tenby town centre, on the corner of Warren Street and South Parade and opposite the junction of White Lion Street and South Parade. Tenby North Beach and Tenby Harbour are approximately 0.6 miles away, accessed down White Lion Street. The site is situated in close proximity to Tenby High Street, approximately 0.2 miles walking distance. The High Street offers key amenities such as Greggs, Boots, Tesco Express and HSBC.
The site extends to approximately 0.31 acres (0.13 ha) and is currently occupied by the former Royal Mail Post and Delivery Office premises. The current site is made up of a small single storey Post Office element at the south of the site, with a larger delivery depot/offices occupying the remainder of the site. Total floor area of the current building is c. 14,566 sq ft. Vehicular access is currently provided via Warren Street on the south side of the site, and South Parade on the east side of the site. There are a wide variety of typical town centre uses nearby, including retail, service and leisure. The site has full planning consent (NP/21/0593/FUL) for the erection of a mixed use development incorporating a four storey residential apartment building with ground floor commercial space and a two-storey rear mews building with on site car parking subject to a Section 106 agreement. The proposed redevelopment will deliver 34 residential apartments, split between 2 different blocks with an inner courtyard, which will be served with 10 car parking spaces, cycle storage and an amenity terrace. The consented development comprises of; • 23 x 1 bed units. • 11 x 2 bed units. • 110 sqm commercial space. The conditions for the proposed development; • The proposed development has the provision of 4no. (four) Affordable Housing Units. • The development’s private units will be restricted, with 23no. units restricted to Class C3 only, and 7 no. flexible units i.e. Classes C3, C5 and C6.
The specification includes;
- Prime Location
- Refurbished
- Basement Storage
- Rear Loading Access
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