Venture Wales invests in Navigation Park

£8m proves to be catalyst for significant other private sector investment

13 November 2017

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Venture Wales has secured the acquisition of two plots of Welsh Government land on the Navigation Park Business Park, Abercynon, for the future expansion of their existing successful business starter accommodation.

Phillip Cooper, Chief Executive of Venture Wales, commented, “We are delighted to acquire additional land at Navigation Park.  It is extremely gratifying that Venture Wales’ investment of £8m at Navigation Park to date, has proved to be the catalyst for significant other private sector investment at this strategic site. This new acquisition will enhance our existing facilities and provide the springboard for a further expansion of our extremely successful lettable office space portfolio at Navigation Park.”

Jeremy Symons, Director of Cooke & Arkwright acting for the Welsh Government, added, “It is pleasing to see two further parcels of land on this successful business park being sold to an existing operator on the estate to enable their future expansion in the area.  It can be anticipated that Venture Wales will utilise the land for both parking and expansion, easing congestion on the business park, and also creating further opportunities for employment within the area.  It is a very pleasing outcome for the Welsh Government.”

Cooke & Arkwright have provided independent property consultancy services to the College for a number of years. This advice has included property valuations and negotiation around property acquisition and disposal, rent reviews and the preparation and negotiation of the College’s farm business tenancy agreement. The College has consistently received an excellent and professional service from Cooke & Arkwright and their valuable support to the College is recognised and appreciated.

Bob Bates, Director, Coleg Gwent