Thank you

30 April 2020

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Up and down the country we’ve all been getting behind the incredible efforts of the keyworkers going above and beyond to help others at this time. Today we wanted to reiterate this message of thanks to the real-life heroes; individuals on the front lines giving so much during this unprecedented time.

We asked the Cooke & Arkwright team to tell us about family members in their own homes who are key workers going the extra mile and this short film introduces some of the healthcare workers, teachers, supermarket staff and community volunteers they told us about. As a firm, we can’t express our gratitude enough, and are so proud of your outstanding efforts

Mansford has expanded its investment portfolio over the last few years. Over this time Andrew West has provided us with a full rating valuation service which has involved giving a view on liabilities prior to acquisitions, as well as conducting negotiations with Valuation Officers on our UK estate. The portfolio includes a wide range of properties from shops, offices and pubs to major leisure schemes. He has been particularly successful in mitigating our liabilities to empty property rate, which has been an issue on acquisition prior to implementing our development and letting strategy. I have no hesitation in recommending Andrew's expertise in rating valuation for all property types. The profile of property within his portfolio and the successes achieved are testament to his position as an extremely accomplished rating practitioner.

Leopold Hall, Partner, Mansford LLP