Clockwise @ Brunel House, FITZALAN ROAD, CARDIFF

The Agent
Mark Siddons
Associate Director
02920 346361.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Additional Downloads
- 100 - 350 sqft (9 - 33 sqm)
- To let
- On Application
Clockwise provide well-designed, contemporary offices, workspaces and meeting spaces in convenient, city centre locations, suited to the needs of your growing business. Their flexible contracts and personalised service will enable you to focus on work, not leases. Their team is based on site and is on hand to help you in whichever way we can. Even if you're hosting clients or an external event, they can manage it for you and provide help with staffing.
Strictly by appointment with sole agents Cooke & Arkwright.
Cooke & Arkwright for themselves and for the vendor/lessor of this property whose agents they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of Cooke & Arkwright for the vendor/lessor and nothing contained in these particulars is to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. 3. Any intended purchaser/lessor must satisfy itself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 4. The vendor/lessor does not make or give and neither Cooke & Arkwright nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation/warranty whatsoever in relation to this property or any services. 5. All terms quoted exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. 6. Cooke & Arkwright is a trading name of Cooke & Arkwright Limited.