Storm Dennis Flooding Disruption

21 February 2020

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We are acutely aware of the enormous disruption resulting from the flooding as a result from Storm Dennis over the weekend of 14th to 18th February.

One factor to consider is your liability to business rates. We are lobbying the Welsh Government and Local Authorities for immediate relief from business rates for affected businesses.   The Welsh Government held a meeting with Local Authorities on 19th February.


We will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further update as soon as the Welsh Government announces any schemes of relief to alleviate the adverse financial impact of the floods to businesses.


In the meantime if you would like to discuss any aspect of your liability to business rates please contact us.

Cooke & Arkwright have provided independent property consultancy services to the College for a number of years. This advice has included property valuations and negotiation around property acquisition and disposal, rent reviews and the preparation and negotiation of the College’s farm business tenancy agreement. The College has consistently received an excellent and professional service from Cooke & Arkwright and their valuable support to the College is recognised and appreciated.

Bob Bates, Director, Coleg Gwent