Exciting times at Central Square

Vote of confidence in Welsh economy

6 October 2015
  • Artist's impression of One Central Square

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The announcement that Legal & General have formed a JV with Rightacres to develop out the one million sq ft Central Square redevelopment in Cardiff city centre is a fantastic boost to Cardiff and South Wales as a whole. Chancellor George Osborne said it was a major vote of confidence in the Welsh economy; it is also a sign of confidence in the commercial property market in the region. Director Graham Davies, who has provided investment advice to Rightacres on a variety of opportunities at the location comments:

“The formation of this JV between Legal & General, as funders, and Rightacres, as developers, will ensure the delivery over the next 10 years of a series of new buildings at the entrance to Cardiff Central train station that will transform the centre of Cardiff.  We are talking on a daily basis with investors and occupiers who are now interested in relocating and investing in Cardiff, and Central Square is a big part of the city’s growing reputation”

Cooke & Arkwright continues to- provide advice to Rightacres, Cardiff Council and occupiers on a range of services within Central Square, including:

  • Acquisition of Marland House for Rightacres – this property will be redeveloped to form The Interchange (including new bus station)
  • Acting on behalf of Blake Morgan in acquiring 30,000 sq ft space at One Central Square, in what was the first letting at Central Square
  • Property management advice to Cardiff Council/ Rightacres on existing properties at Central Square
  • Retail agency advice to Cardiff Council/ Rightacres on existing retail units around Central Square, and on further retail opportunities within the new Central Square redevelopment.

Liz has been an absolute star, providing excellent support and great professional advice. We have been working on very complex acquisitions/CPOs and the process has been made so much easier by her enthusiasm and friendly approach and has been a great addition to the team. Cooke & Arkwright have made a very complex acquisition and CPO strategy so much easier with their excellent and friendly professional advice. They have been a great addition to the team.

Hamish Munro, Caerphilly County Borough Council